We work closely with organisations from a diverse range of industry sectors, to ensure that they are engaging with young people and raising awareness of the career opportunities and pathways available within their industry.
Since 2018, we have worked in partnership with Historic Environment Scotland to deliver Industry Insight Events for S2 pupils within West Lothian. Read the below case study to find out more about this partnership. Please click the image below to open a printable version of this Case Study with active links.
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Having taken on a total of thirteen Apprentices since November 2019, The Glenmorangie Company's Apprentice Academy has provided excellent career opportunities for young people within West Lothian.
Read our case study below to find out more about how Glenmorangie laid the foundations for a new generation of Production Associates at their Alba site in Livingston. Please click the image below to open a printable version of this Case Study with active links. Providing insight into the desirable skills for industry is one way that business can support the development of young people in the local area. Take a look at our case study below to find out how our employer partners have been sharing their expertise with S6 pupils at Linlithgow Academy.
Nicholas Gribben, HR Director for DB Group (Europe) Ltd and one of the employers involved, commented: "Every business leader knows that there's a challenge in finding suitably skilled talent to recruit and help your business grow due to the growing instability of the economic climate. As an employer that's committed to supporting our community, DB Group have undertaken work in partnership with DYW West Lothian to deliver a number of employability skills sessions with secondary school pupils in the region so we can help develop the workforce of the future. The feedback from educators and young people alike has been fantastic and we've enjoyed engaging with DYW West Lothian to help prepare young people for the world of work." Please click the image below to open a printable version of this Case Study with active links. giving every young person the chance to succeed The Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Fiona Hyslop MSP, has announced further details on how the Youth Guarantee will give young people the chance to succeed despite the economic impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19). The announcement has confirmed additional investment for Developing the Young Workforce Regional Groups to support the delivery of the Youth Guarantee, including strengthening our offer in the senior phase and ensuring those furthest from the labour market can access the appropriate support.
The Scottish Government’s £60 million support for the guarantee will ensure every young person has the opportunity of work, education or training, with £10 million additional funding for DYW. An implementation plan - written by Sandy Begbie - has been published. The report’s recommendations include:
Rob Woodward, Chair of the Employers’ Forum said: “Today’s announcement gives strong endorsement for the future of DYW and highlights that Scottish Ministers are listening to employers and recognise the valuable insights from across the DYW network. As a network, we will respond to this challenge to ensure that young people have the best possible support and preparation for entering the labour market. “We will work closely with our partners including local authorities, employers and SDS to ensure that this additional investment has the maximum impact. I encourage all employers to support our young people at this difficult time by supporting their local DYW Regional Group.” Scotland’s Biggest Parents’ Events are a series of four event broadcasts, which will allow parents, carers and guardians to hear about the things that matter to them right now. The events - which initially premiered throughout the Summer - provide parents and carers with information about options and pathways for young people, including where they can go to make informed judgements to support their young person's next steps. With input from a range of experts covering topics such as exams, mental health, apprenticeships, skills development and pathways into industry, the events are also beneficial to young people themselves and aim to provide a message of reassurance and optimism at this challenging time. The broadcasts are available to access via YouTube or Facebook, with additional signposting and support information available on the main DYW Scotland website. Interested? Find out more and register below. sbpe - session overview
As announced by Nicola Sturgeon at the beginning of the Summer, Developing the Young Workforce created a national programme for this year's school leavers in Scotland. The programme, which ran throughout July and August, is a series of virtual and online experiences which aim to build work related knowledge and skills to enhance young people’s industry readiness and capacity to compete in the labour market.
The DYW Skills Academy: Get Industry Ready incorporated activities and employability experiences- supported by industry - to help young people to gain the insight, skills and knowledge required to succeed in the workplace. The video content - developed by a broad range of industry experts - is open to everyone and includes:
DYW also recently streamed an exciting series of live webinars for young people. The Up2U episodes included conversations and live Q & A with employers, young people and specialists from different pathways young people can take. The webinars can be accessed now and we hope they support young people to find the next step in their journey. More information about each of these programmes - including links to content - can be found below. |